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20freespinsonregistrationnodeposit| Enhance investors 'sense of gain, many listed securities firms plan interim dividends

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Listed securities firms have responded positively to the call and are promoting medium-term dividends in an orderly manner in order to increase the frequency of dividends and improve the sense of achievement of investors.

On the evening of May 22, Caitong Securities issued a resolution announcement of the 2023 annual general meeting of shareholders, which examined and approved the 2023 profit distribution plan and authorized the 2024 interim dividend.20freespinsonregistrationnodepositThe bill.

Recently, a number of securities firms have requested the shareholders' meeting to authorize the board of directors to decide on the mid-term dividend in 2024. At the same time, the annual dividend plan of listed securities firms in 2023 is also being realized one after another.

Experts interviewed said that the active implementation of annual and interim dividends by securities firms shows that they attach importance to the interests of shareholders, help to improve the return level of investors, and at the same time send positive signals to the market and improve their market competitiveness.

Increase the frequency of dividends

20freespinsonregistrationnodeposit| Enhance investors 'sense of gain, many listed securities firms plan interim dividends

Since the beginning of this year, a number of brokerages plan to increase the frequency of dividends and increase medium-term dividends in addition to annual dividends. Recently, a number of securities firms, such as Caitong Securities, Guohai Securities, Soochow Securities, Hualin Securities, Huatai Securities, Western Securities and Zhongtai Securities, have submitted to the shareholders' meeting to authorize the board of directors to decide on the mid-term dividend in 2024.

Judging from the relevant situation of the medium-term dividend plan to be implemented by various brokerages, for example, Caitong Securities issued a notice on April 25 that it intends to carry out mid-term cash dividends in 2024 according to the company's profitability and formulate a specific medium-term profit distribution plan for 2024, the amount of dividends shall not exceed the net profits belonging to the shareholders of the parent company during the corresponding period in 2024. Soochow Securities previously said in an announcement that it intends to formulate a mid-term dividend plan for the company in 2024, with the total amount of cash dividends not exceeding 50% of the net profit of the shareholders belonging to the parent company in the current consolidated statement.

Dividends of listed companies have always been encouraged and supported by policies. In mid-December 2023, the CSRC issued the "guidelines No. 3 on the Supervision of listed companies-Cash dividends of listed companies". The revised guidelines mainly include three aspects, including simplifying the interim dividend procedure and promoting the further optimization of the dividend method and rhythm. Encourage companies to increase the frequency of dividends when conditions permit, and in combination with regulatory practice, listed companies are allowed to consider and approve the conditions and upper limits of cash dividends in the middle of next year within a certain amount when convening annual shareholders' meetings to examine and approve annual profit distribution plans, so as to facilitate companies to further increase the frequency of dividends, so that investors can better plan capital arrangements and share corporate growth dividends earlier.

The new "National Nine articles" also proposes, "increase incentives for high-quality dividend companies, and take more measures to promote the increase of dividend yield." We will enhance the stability, persistence and predictability of dividends, and promote multiple dividends, pre-dividends and dividends before the Spring Festival. "

Tian Lihui, dean of the Institute of Financial Development of Nankai University, said in an interview with the Securities Daily: "Securities firms actively carry out annual and interim dividends, which can send a signal to the market of their profitability and financial health and enhance investor confidence. At the same time, dividends can also show that securities firms attach importance to the interests of shareholders, enhance the image of relevant securities firms in the eyes of investors, and attract more investors' attention and investment, so as to improve the market competitiveness of relevant securities firms. "

"more importantly, dividends are one of the ways to directly return to shareholders, and regular dividends are a stable cash flow return for long-term investors. As an important participant in the capital market, the active dividend behavior of securities firms can promote the market to form a good investment return culture, promote the capital flow and vitality of the capital market, and promote the prosperity and development of China's capital market. In addition, the increase in the frequency and scale of dividends by securities firms also reflects their cooperation and response to regulatory policies. " Tian Lihui said so.

Dividends fall to the ground one after another

At the same time, the annual dividend plan of listed securities firms in 2023 is also being realized one after another.

On the evening of May 22, Guoyuan Securities issued an announcement on the implementation of the 2023 annual equity distribution, which shows that the 2023 annual equity distribution plan of Guoyuan Securities has been examined and approved by the company's 2023 shareholders' meeting. From the point of view of the specific profit distribution plan, Guoyuan Securities intends to use the existing total share capital 43.20freespinsonregistrationnodeposit. 6.4 billion shares shall be distributed to all shareholders with a cash dividend of RMB 1.50 yuan (including tax) for every 10 shares, with a total cash dividend of RMB 655 million yuan (including tax). There will be no bonus shares and no accumulation fund will be used to increase share capital. The registration date of the equity distribution is May 29, 2024, and the de-dividend date is May 30, 2024.

In addition, the dividends of Northeast Securities and Hongta Securities, two listed brokerages, have been implemented. Among them, Northeast Securities, based on its total share capital of 2.34 billion shares, pays cash dividends of 1.00 yuan (including tax) to all shareholders for every 10 shares, with a total cash dividend of 234 million yuan. Hongta Securities is based on 4.717 billion shares of total share capital and pays a cash dividend of 0.06 yuan per share (including tax), resulting in a total cash dividend of 283 million yuan.

According to Wind information data, 43 listed securities firms achieved a total operating income of 497.088 billion yuan and a total net profit of 128.589 billion yuan in 2023. Among them, 41 brokerages announced their annual profit distribution plans for 2023, with a total dividend scale of more than 42 billion yuan. Judging from the progress of the implementation of the dividend plan, in addition to the three brokerages Guoyuan Securities, Northeast Securities and Hongta Securities, which have been implemented and are waiting to be implemented, the dividend plans of 11 brokerages were examined and approved by the shareholders' meeting, and 27 were adopted by the board of directors.

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