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powerballnumberstonight| [Hot Spot Direct] Guangdong: Moderately advance layout of low-altitude infrastructure industry chain and welcome catalysis

On the evening of May 22, the General Office of the People's Government of Guangdong Province issued the "Action Plan for Guangdong Province to Promote High-Quality Development of Low-altitude Economy (2024 - 2026)." The plan mentions that low-altitude infrastructure should be appropriately advanced: improving the network of ground take-off and landing facilities. Accelerate the construction of general airports in the "General Airport Layout Plan of Guangdong Province (2020 - 2035)" and promote the construction of ground support facilities such as hangars, energy stations, meteorological stations, fixed operation bases and aviation materials support platforms. Each prefecture and city will formulate layout plans for drone take-off and landing facilities in the region based on actual conditions, and build small take-off points, medium-sized take-off platforms, and large-scale take-off and landing fields as needed to form a multi-scenario, multi-subject, multi-level, manned and unmanned aircraft. A network of landing points that takes into account both aircraft and drones.

powerballnumberstonight| [Hot Spot Direct] Guangdong: Moderately advance layout of low-altitude infrastructure industry chain and welcome catalysis

At the same time, promote the construction of digital low-altitude. Gather and integrate three-dimensional geographical information, urban information models (CIM), low-altitude flight airspace and other data to build a province's integrated digital low-altitude base to provide digital basic support for the low-altitude management service system. Establish and improve low-altitude data management systems and standards, and improve docking rules. Strengthen the entire process security management of low-altitude data production, transmission, storage, processing and use. Explore, develop and utilize a number of high-quality data products.

The plan also proposes to accelerate the reform of low-altitude airspace management: strengthen coordinated management of low-altitude airspace. Improve relevant working mechanisms, strengthen the work coordination among the three parties of "military, civilian and civilian", and jointly study and coordinate low-altitude integrated flight management matters such as low-altitude airspace classification and flight activity supervision. Support Guangzhou, Shenzhen and other cities in piloting, strengthen research on urban air traffic management organization and operation models, and improve management measures.

In addition, strive for low-altitude economic pilot demonstrations. Actively seek state support and carry out pilot demonstrations of urban air transportation, low-altitude logistics, and all-space unmanned systems in qualified areas to meet the needs of safe and efficient management of urban low-altitude airspace. Timely summarize the pilot demonstration experience in relevant regions and explore the extension of reform and innovation results in airspace management, operation management, flight support and other aspects to the entire region.

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