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firstcryptogame| Zhongtai Chemical: Receiving the administrative penalty decision will be implemented with other risk warnings

News summary

[Zhongtai Chemical: Received the administrative penalty decision will be implementedfirstcryptogameRisk Warning] Securities Times e Company News, Zhongtai Chemical (002092) announced on the evening of May 17 that the company and relevant responsible persons received the "Administrative Penalty Decision" issued by the Xinjiang Securities Regulatory Bureau on May 17. After investigation, Zhongtai Chemicalfirstcryptogame.firstcryptogame..

firstcryptogame| Zhongtai Chemical: Receiving the administrative penalty decision will be implemented with other risk warnings

Newsletter text

[Zhongtai Chemical: Other risk warnings will be imposed upon receiving the administrative penalty decision] Securities Times e Company News, Zhongtai Chemical (002092) announced on the evening of May 17 that the company and relevant responsible persons received the Xinjiang Securities Regulatory Commission on May 17. The "Administrative Penalty Decision" issued by the Bureau was found to have false records in Zhongtai Chemical's 2022 annual reportfirstcryptogame; The related transactions occupied by non-operating funds by the controlling shareholder and its related parties were not disclosed in a timely manner, and there were major omissions in the 2021 and 2022 annual reports; there were false records and major omissions in the annual reports disclosed in the duration of the corporate bonds and debt financing instruments involved in the case., inaccurate information disclosure in relevant bond prospectus. The Xinjiang Securities Regulatory Bureau decided to order the company to make corrections, give a warning, and impose a fine of 5 million yuan; warn the relevant parties and impose fines of varying amounts. The company's shares will be suspended for one day on May 20. Trading will resume on May 21 and will be subject to other risk warnings. The stock abbreviation will be changed from "Zhongtai Chemical" to "ST Zhongtai". The daily price limit for stock trading will be 5%.

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