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pinballonline| Everbright Futures: May 15 Agricultural Products Daily

Protein meal:

pinballonline| Everbright Futures: May 15 Agricultural Products Daily

TuesdayPinballonlineCBOT soybeans fell, while Brazilian soybean production and export estimates were raised. According to Conab, Brazil has an annual soybean yield of 1 per year in 23 months.Pinballonline.4.7685 trillion tons, higher than the previous estimate of 146.522 million tons. Anec said Brazilian soybean exports in May are expected to be 14.13 million tons, up from the previous forecast of 13.21 million tons. If realized, Brazil's Rio Grande do Sul will have a less-than-expected impact on Brazilian soybean production and exports. The market is waiting for next week's NOPA crushing data and is expected to slow down in April due to narrowing of squeezing profits and seasonal shutdowns at processing plants. On the domestic side, the protein meal fluctuates and the spot quotation falls. Market turnover slows down, and the downstream buy-as-you-go strategy remains unchanged. With the arrival of soybeans in Hong Kong, the abundant supply of soybean meal is expected to be strong. In operation, you can choose the opportunity to participate in the month, soybean meal unilateral concussion is strong, buy meal to sell oil arbitrage hold.


BMD palm oil fell on Tuesday as the market waited for further guidance from horse palm oil export and production data. MPOA data show that the output of horse palm oil increased month-on-month from May 1 to 15, while the export high frequency showed that the export decreased in the same period. According to this calculation, horse palm oil will be under great pressure in May. India's palm oil imports rose to a three-month high in April, while sunflower oil imports fell, SEA said. American soybean oil fell, due to the decline of American beans, and the UCO tax has not been adjusted. The addition of rapeseed also fell, with prices hitting a five-month high and suffering profit-taking. The three major oils in China have gone up and down, and spot prices have risen differently. International oil prices fluctuate repeatedly, and domestic funds are more willing to close their positions at a profit. The spot supply of oil is tight, but it is about to become loose, with strong support below the disk price but low willingness to catch up. In operation, the concussion is on the strong side, and it is set during the month.

Live pigs:

On Tuesday, the opening price of LH2409, the main contract of DCE live pig futures, was 18175 yuan / ton, and the closing price was 18120 yuan / ton, down 55 yuan / ton, or 0.30%. The highest price was 18265 yuan / ton, the lowest price was 18030 yuan / ton, the settlement price was 18135 yuan / ton, and the total trading volume was 47815 yuan. 74003 hands. At present, the average price of three-yuan live pigs outside the country is 15.09 yuan / kg, down 0.01 yuan / kg from yesterday, with the lowest price 13.93 yuan / kg in Xinjiang and the highest price 15.87 yuan / kg in Guangdong. According to the 81 sample slaughtering enterprises monitored by Mysteel, the total slaughtering capacity of the sample slaughtering enterprises was 112736, an increase of 0.34% from the previous month. The slaughtering operation rate was 28.12%, an increase of 0.08% compared with the previous month. The national price of 2-3cm fat thick white pork is 19.21 yuan / kg, which is 0.07 yuan / kg lower than yesterday's price. Some of the Whitebar Wholesale Market delivered 7175 heads today, which was the same as yesterday. The rise and fall of pig prices across the country is mainly stable in the south and stable in the north; the market volume of the North Group continues unabated, and the secondary fattening and fattening operation in the market is still going on, but the enthusiasm is weakened, but the farmers still have a certain sentiment of cherishing the selling price, and the market as a whole is slightly stronger. The supply pressure in the southern market is still large, but the degree of demand improvement is limited, the overall situation in the large-scale market is general, the market stalemate maintains stability and weakens, tomorrow's market may be mainly stable and small, and some of them are expected to rebound. Pay attention to the rhythm of the group field and the trend of the secondary fattening market. On the whole, pig prices led the rise, spot prices stopped rising and falling after May Day, and the basis was weaker. Technically, the 60-day moving average of the pig September contract supports the pig price, the short-term operation pays attention to the supporting role of the moving average system, and the long-term bulls can continue to hold.


On Tuesday, egg futures prices reversed, the main 2409 contract fell 1.37% to 3958 yuan / 500kg, the main contract for two consecutive days of pullback. Egg spot stops rising, Zhuochuang data show that yesterday the national egg price 3.79 yuan / jin, up 0.02 yuan / jin month-on-month. Among them, Ningjin pink shell eggs 3.7 yuan / jin, Montenegro market brown shell eggs 3.6 yuan / jin, month-on-month level; in the sales area, Puxi brown shell eggs 3.82 yuan / jin, month-on-month level, Guangzhou market brown shell eggs 4.28 yuan / jin, up 0.28 yuan / jin. The demand in the terminal market is stable, and each market in the sales area will follow the sales. Due to the rise in egg prices in the production areas, the sales prices in some sales areas have been raised. As the price of eggs continues to rise, traders tend to be cautious in preparing stocks. In terms of fundamentals, supply continues to increase, but the trend is relatively stable, and spot prices of eggs will rebound under the boost of seasonal demand in the third quarter. However, the short-term plum rainy season is not conducive to storage, and the spot price of eggs is expected to decline in mid-late May. It is suggested that more bargains should be entered in the medium and long term, and there may be a pullback in the short-term plum rainy season, focusing on spot price fluctuations and changes in market sentiment.


On Tuesday, the main corn contract concussion closed with a small Yin line, the upward progress of futures prices slowed down, showing a short-term shock performance. At present, prices in Northeast China are on the strong side, there are not many grass-roots grain sources, farmers are firmly asking for prices, traders are more enthusiastic about the purchase of natural dry grain, and direct warehouses in some areas are slightly raising prices to promote income, and the overall bullish mood of the market is on the strong side. traders hold the mentality of grain waiting to rise, keep selling at low prices, and prices in producing areas rise slightly. Corn prices in North China as a whole continued the upward trend. Shandong deep processing enterprises corn delivery vehicles remain low, deep processing enterprises corn prices continue to rise 10-20 yuan / ton. Individual enterprises in Hebei are up-regulated, while some enterprises in Henan are up-regulated. Grass-roots purchasing and sales are relatively stable, with the wheat market approaching, the main focus of the market is focused on wheat, coupled with the overall mentality of the market has improved, corn shipments have decreased, unlike in April, the rise in corn prices has a general driving effect on food sources. The market price of corn in the sales area is stable and strong. Coastal port areas affected by rising futures prices, traders increased price sentiment, quotation rose 10-20 yuan / ton, downstream delivery to order-based. Inland quotation has stabilized, but the bargaining space has narrowed, the low-end price has risen, and the stock time of feed enterprises is about 30-35 days. Technical indicators show that the main corn contract price 40-day moving average provides support for short-term prices, and the price range moves up. The short-term index of corn main contract pays attention to the price performance near the integer pressure of 2500 yuan, and the medium-term price is expected to be strong.

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