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megabingo| The former "golden boy of cryptocurrency" is trading rice in prison...

Financial Associated Press, May 11 (Editor Zhao Hao) March this yearMegabingoSam Bankman-Sam Bankman-Fried, founder of FTX, a well-known cryptocurrency trading platform, was sentenced to 25 years in prison and confiscated more than $11 billion in assets.MegabingoThe rapid fall of this post-90s billionaire.

Recently, the former "currency prodigy" revealed his latest prison life in an exclusive interview with the media. although he is now in prison, he still focuses on trading, only that the traded goods have changed from virtual encrypted currency to physical spot rice.

It is understood that Bankman-Fried is being held in the Metropolitan Detention Center (Metropolitan Detention Center) in Brooklyn, New York City. The prison does not allow reporters to use paper, pens, tape recorders, telephones, watches, etc., so the interview report is based on the reporter's recollection.

In an interview released on Thursday, Bankman Fried ("SBF" for short) focused on the prison environment, which is dominated by women, but his cell is large with a bunk bed that can accommodate 35 male prisoners. Half of them may have been convicted of murder and become tainted witnesses, SBF said.

Bankman-Fried revealed that his life is sitting in a room with other people, watching four televisions play different channels. But he added that he didn't watch much TV himself, but used a tablet to play games or watch movies.

SBF said he was not abused in prison and was "not too worried about his own safety". He revealed that the only time of day he would be disturbed was at night, when his cellmates wanted to exchange things for his bagged rice.

The former FTX CEO said he now lives on beans and bagged rice bought from a snack bar, stressing that his rice has become one of the "currencies" of the detention center.

megabingo| The former "golden boy of cryptocurrency" is trading rice in prison...

According to media estimates, Bankman-Fried has lost 25 pounds (about 11%) since he was in prison.Megabingo.3 kg), it looks healthier. SBF responded that the vegetarian food provided by the prison was hard to swallow, and his cellmate said it smelled bad. (SBF is a long-time vegetarian.)

In an exclusive interview, the media also talked to SBF about his case, and in a statement after the verdict in March, federal prosecutors in Manhattan said, "Bankman Fried orchestrated one of the largest financial fraud cases in history."

In response, Bankman-Fried said he had not done anything wrong in the case and planned to appeal the conviction.

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