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crashcyberpunk2077|Brazilian ambassador leaves Nicaragua, says Nicaraguan VP

MANAGUA, Augcrashcyberpunk2077. 8 (Xinhua) -- Brazil's ambassador to Nicaragua, Breno Souza da Costa, left the Central American country on Thursday, Nicaraguan Vice President Rosario Murillo saidcrashcyberpunk2077.

During her usual broadcast on local television station Multinoticias, Murillo said Nicaragua's ambassador to Brazil, Fulvia Castro, was also returning to Nicaragua to head the Ministry of Family Economy, once her appointment is formalized by the president.

Brazil on Thursday decided to call for the withdrawal of the Nicaraguan ambassador in response to Managua's decision, communicated days ago through a diplomatic note, to ask Brazil's envoy to leave, according to local media reports in both countries.

crashcyberpunk2077|Brazilian ambassador leaves Nicaragua, says Nicaraguan VP

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